Register for a client interview collecting information about seeking treatment abroad


The Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare collects information about clients seeking treatment abroad. Seeking treatment means that you travel abroad for the express purpose of receiving treatment. If you have received treatment abroad on account of a sudden illness or accident, this is not counted as seeking treatment.

The purpose of the information collection is to achieve a better understanding of clients seeking treatment abroad so that we can help them better at the Contact Point.

Have you ever sought or considered treatment abroad? Would you be interested in taking part in a client interview on the topic? Client interviews are scheduled for weeks 47–48 and are held remotely. The interviews last about an hour and the interviewees are given an EUR 30 gift voucher to a grocery shop for their contribution.

Please register for the interview using this form (link to the background information survey form). Act quickly, as only a limited number of participants are accepted. We will contact the persons selected for the client interviews.