Country-specific information about health services
The country-specific information concerning healthcare services is intended to assist you when you travel abroad and need treatment because you have suddenly fallen ill. The information is also helpful if you are travelling from Finland to use healthcare services abroad.
On the country-specific pages you’ll find information about using healthcare services in the destination country, about issues relating especially to the provision of and access to treatment, about payments, and about the health insurance institutions and other authorities relating to healthcare in the respective destination countries.
The Finnish authorities cannot influence what kind of care you receive in another country or the costs of treatment provided abroad.
Clarify issues relating to treatment in the first instance with the relevant authorities or with the contact point for cross-border health care in the destination country.
The most popular countries on EU-healthcare.fi
Can’t find your destination?
If you are looking for information on a country, which is not covered by our country-specific pages, we recommend studying at least the travel bulletins of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the health guide of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare