Statistical and research information

Information about health care services, their use, availability and costs, and social security systems and welfare benefits in general is collected on a national level and EU level. The statistical information is provided by many national authorities and international institutions.

Statistical information on cross-border health care can be found on Contact Point’s SlideShare presentation. Statistics provided by Kela include information on European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC), medical care costs incurred abroad and their reimbursements, and prior authorisations for seeking treatment abroad.

The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) collects statistical and register information from social and health care organisations operating in Finland. Information is collected about access to public health care, for example. is an online service with statistical information about the health and well-being of the population and the functioning of the service system, along with international comparison data.

Kelasto is Kela’s statistical database for information about the social security managed by Kela.

MISSOC (Mutual Information System on Social Protection) the EU member states’ joint information system on social security. It contains comparable and up-to-date information about social security systems. The information is available in English, French and German.

Statistics of patient injuries in Finland are provided by the Finnish Patient Insurance Centre (PVK).