The Contact Point at the Matka Nordic Travel Fair 19–22 January 2023


The Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare will participate in the Matka Nordic Travel Fair in Messukeskus 19–22 January 2023 at stand 6s59. At the fair, you can listen to our experts’ information spots on the health care of tourists and pensioners abroad on 20 and 21 January. On the Contact Point’s Facebook profile, you can participate in a prize draw in which you can win tickets to the fair for yourself and your friend.

You can ask and discuss health services and health care abroad at the Contact Point’s stand 6s59. At the fair, we will present the online service, which contains useful information for tourists about the health services of more than 50 countries. At the exhibition stand, you can also test your knowledge in a playful Wheel of Fortune and enter a prize draw to win a gift voucher.

On 19 January, the Fair is open to professionals, and on 20 January the Fair will be opened to the public.

Come and listen to the information spots on the health care of tourists and pensioners abroad

Do you know how you can receive treatment if you fall ill abroad? The Contact Point’s expert Mira Rantakeisu and the Head of Benefit Services Matias Kainu hold two information spots on the issues and challenges of cross-border healthcare on the stages of Messukeskus. You will receive information on the things you should take into account when you are planning a trip or moving abroad.

The first information spot will be held on the Second Home Stage on Friday, January 20 at 11:00. The theme of the spot is Eläkepäivät ulkomailla – Tiedätkö oikeutesi sairaanhoitoon? (Retirement Abroad – Do You Know Your Healthcare Rights?) The information spot is specifically aimed at pensioners who either live abroad or are considering moving abroad.

The other spot, I Have a Travel Insurance, Minulla on matkavakuutus, mihin tarvitsen eurooppalaista sairaanhoitokorttia? (Why Do I Need the European Health Insurance Card?) will be held at the We Love Cruises Stage on Saturday 21 January at 13:30. It targets all tourists who wish to know about the health care of travellers abroad.

Win tickets for the Matka Nordic Travel Fair!

The Contact Point hosts a prize draw on its Facebook profile, in which you can win tickets for the Matka Nordic Travel Fair for two. You can enter the prize draw by commenting on our Facebook post. The ticket sets will be drawn on 16 January.