Why does the Contact Point advertise online?


Have you recently seen advertisements for the Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare on Facebook? Or have you seen an advertisement for EU-healthcare.fi in Google search results? Paid advertising online is part of the Contact Point’s marketing, as it helps us reach people better.

The statutory task of the Contact Point for Cross-Border Healthcare is to share information on healthcare in international situations. For example, we provide advice on health matters relating to patients’ rights, seeking treatment and moving abroad. We use paid advertising to help us accomplish this mission.

Increasing traffic to the website through advertising

With the COVID-19 pandemic, health and access to treatment have become increasingly important in cross-border situations. A key goal of the Contact Point’s marketing is to guide people to reliable information. The EU-healthcare.fi website includes a lot of up-to-date information on using health services in Finland and abroad. Thanks to advertising, readers have found our site more easily than before.

People often become interested in international healthcare when the situation is already urgent, for example, due to falling ill during a holiday trip. We want to use advertising to raise people’s awareness of the Contact Point and our online service, so that they can search for information in the right place, if needed. In addition to our website, we provide customers with general advice by e-mail.

How do we advertise online?

In the past, we have run virtual advertising campaigns that have helped guide people to our site. Currently, we are using digital marketing in two ways: by advertising on Facebook and through Google Ads.

Through Google Ads, we aim to guide customers to our website when they are searching for information about topics that we cover. Facebook advertising, on the other hand, helps us reach people who are interested in health-related issues, for example. In addition to paid advertising, we continue to communicate on social media on a daily basis. It is a good idea to follow the Contact Point’s Facebook and Twitter channels.

Marketing offline as well

We do not only advertise the Contact Point online. In particular, participation in events is an important part of the Contact Point’s marketing, although this has occurred less often in the past year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At events, we get to talk face to face with people and answer their questions. In addition, we publish the Contact Point’s advertisements in magazines and professional journals and visit our partners’ events to talk about international healthcare.