Frequently asked questions on cross-border healthcare

Answers to frequently asked questions about

Hospital transfer from Finland to another country

If you are in public hospital care in Finland and are transferred for further treatment to another country by the treatment provider’s decision, the transport costs are usually covered by the Finnish treatment provider. In the event that the transfer is made primarily of your own will, you are normally responsible for the transport costs. […]

Reimbursement of travel costs if you suddenly become ill abroad

If you have become ill or have required treatment on account of pregnancy or childbirth in another EU or EEA country, United Kingdom or in Switzerland, your costs of travel will be reimbursed to the nearest place of treatment within the country in question. In addition to Kela, the country where you are staying may […]

Travel relating to treatment provided abroad

You can receive reimbursement for travel costs, if Kela will mainly reimburse travel costs according to the cheapest means of travel and to the nearest place of treatment. If you have been granted prior authorisation for treatment in another EU or EEA country, the United Kingdom or Switzerland, your travel costs will be reimbursed up […]

Reimbursement for treatment abroad

Receiving reimbursement usually requires that corresponding treatment would have been provided in Finland’s public health care. The reimbursed treatment must be included in the service choices of the Finnish health care system. The Council for Choices in Health Care, established under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, determines the service choices for health care. […]

Rehabilitation costs abroad

If you need rehabilitation as a result of a traffic accident, occupational accident or occupational disease, Kela is not responsible for arranging rehabilitation. It is the responsibility of the insurance company. Agree in advance with your insurance company on the procedures if you intend to go abroad to obtain rehabilitation. If Kela is responsible for […]

Costs and reimbursements of treatment abroad

The starting point for treatment abroad is that the client is responsible for the health care costs. EU legislation and international conventions on social security signed by Finland may alter this situation and relieve you from your liability to pay all of the costs of treatment. You will pay the same client fee as the […]

Country-specific information about health services

On the country-specific pages you’ll find information about using healthcare services in the destination country, about issues relating especially to the provision of and access to treatment, about payments, and about the health insurance institutions and other authorities relating to healthcare in the respective destination countries. The Finnish authorities cannot influence what kind of […]